Pluck No More - Natural Feather Plucking Remedy - 8oz

Pluck No More - Natural Feather Plucking Remedy - 8oz

  • Brand:: King’s Cages
  • Product Code: Pluck No More - Natural Feather Plucking Remedy - 8oz
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • £44.99
  • £42.00

A revolutionary product for birds who feather pluck.

Does your bird feather pluck, feather pick, mutilate or have behaviour problems?

Pluck No More is a safe and natural homeopathic formula designed to stop feather plucking in birds. Water based, contains NO alcohol. Taste Free!

Developed by King's Cages, this revolutionary product for feather pluckers, feather pickers, self mutilating birds and birds with behaviour problems has been on the market in the USA since January 2005.

Many people have called to say their feather plucking Cockatoos, African Greys, Macaws and small birds have totally feathered up in only a matter of 5 weeks since using this great new product. Feather plucking, feather picking and feather mutilation stops. New feathers stay.

Many birds that have been screaming all day have calmed down, biters and toe biters have stopped biting and untamable birds have now become tamed.

Simply dilute and add to drinking water daily and also mist the affected areas several times a day. Noticeable results often appear within the first few weeks.

Of course feather plucking could have a medical cause and Pluck No More is NOT intended as a substitute for experienced avian veterinary care. We would strongly recommend consulting an avian veterinarian for a full medical check up at the onset of any plucking behaviour.

Suitable For The Following Birds

  • - African Grey Parrots
  • - Amazon Parrots
  • - Budgies
  • - Caiques
  • - Cockatiels
  • - Cockatoos
  • - Eclectus Parrots
  • - Large Conures
  • - Large Macaws
  • - Lovebirds
  • - Meyer's and Senegal Parrots
  • - Quakers also known as the Monk Parakeet
  • - Small Conures
  • - Small Macaws or Mini Macaws

How to Use
Use bottled or distilled water only - the chlorine in tap water will prevent the active ingredients from working. For best results use with Feather Shine Shampoo.
Add to your bird`s water
Mix 1 cap full of Pluck No More to 8oz of drinking water, mix well and change daily.

Spraying Your Bird
1 cap to 1.5oz of water in a clean spray bottle. SHAKE WELL. Spray the plucked area until fully saturated; let air dry. Refrigerate after opening.

Please Note
Relief of plucking habit requires 2 or more bottles depending on the severity of feather plucking. Usually within 20 days your bird should stop plucking and new feathers will start to grow. Stopping treatment at this stage will cause behaviour to return.
Allow 3 to 5 months to fully break the plucking habit and remain fully feathered before discontinuing use.
Withdraw fruit & veg during treatment, this is due to the high moisture content, so your bird drinks the water with Pluck No More in.

Flower Essences - Achillea Millefolium, Prunella Vulgaris, Dicentra Formosa, Cistus Canadensis, Clematis Vitalba Flos, Impatiens Glandulifera flos, Prunus Cerasifera Flos, Ornithogalum Umbellatum, Aconitum Napellus, Apis Melifica, Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, Chamomilla, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Cuprum Metallicum, HellevorousNiger, Kali Bromatum, Lilium Tigrinum, Histaminium, Hypericum Perforatum, HyoscyamusNiger, Mezereum, Passiflora Incarta, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Tarentula Hispanica, Veratrum Album.

Ingredients Explained
Aconitum Napellus: Relieves fear, anxiety, tension
Apis Mellifica: Relieves grief, lack of concentration, soreness
Arnica Montana: Relieves indifference, fears
Calendula Officinalis: Relieves nervousness, fright, nausea
Chamomilla: Improves mental and emotional symptoms
Cimicifuga Racemosa: For anxiety, depression, irritability, sensitivity to noise
Cuprum Metallicum: For proneness to mania, escape efforts, biting, convulsions
HelleborousNiger: Relieves constant picking, homesickness
Histaminum: For sensitivity to trifles and nervousness
Hypericum Perforatum: For shock, melancholy, drowsiness, nausea, pain, dry skin
HyoscyamusNiger: Suspiciousness, impatience, apprehensiveness, fear, dread of water
Kali Bromatum: Depression, low-spirits, nervous anxiety, picking at self and objects
Lilium Tigrinum: Striking out, listlessness, aversion to food, aggravated by consolation
Mezereum: For despondency, inability to rest alone, alleviates disorientation
Passiflora Incarnata: Quiets nerves, aids sleep
Phosphorus: Raises spirits; relief of fearfulness, vexations, restlessness, indifference
Sulphur: Irritability, depression, pain, great thirst, unhealthy skin, balances appetite
Tarentula Hispanica: Irritability, nervous excitement, restlessness, destructive tendencies
Veratrum Album: Melancholy, indifference, frenzy of excitement, heart stimulant
Flower Essenses
Bleeding Heart: (Dicentra Fomosa) breaks undue emotional attachments to caretaker
Rock Rose (Cistus Canadensis): Sleeplessness, itching, sensations of coldness
Clematis (Clematis Vitalba, Flos): Sleep disturbances, pains, scaly skin, encourages vibrance
Impatients (Impatiens Glandulifera Flos): Promotes patience, acceptance
Star of Bethleham (Ornithogalum Umbellatum): Depression, prostration, loss of appetite and flesh; calms/soothes
Pink Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) for pets who mirror emotions of caretakers
Cherry Plum (Prunus Cerasifera): Promotes balance and equanimity; helps overcome tension and fear
Self Heal(Prunella vulgaris) Stimulates inner healing forces.

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